Saturday, March 13, 2021

Existence Of God@For The Real Thinker

For the believer and unbeliever, suspicious and certain, stronger and weaker, 
in fact for the best and the worst_  

       @God exist in belief, if you believe, you will feel and experience his existence in your heart and mind . But if you don't, there is also thousand of reasons can able to make your mind not to believe. Because God makes all of this through your choice, what you want to do, or not to do. 

         @Belief_(Based on all kind of emotion, thought, wish, mystery, information, idea, work and so on) which is not visible, but unlimited and has strong effect with the feeling and energy through the experiences of higher cognition, that is directly connected to the Creator/Artist/Inventor. 

      @Fact_Proven, logical, visible based on scientific research, analysis and can be limited, done by Inventor/Creator. Therefore, logic and modern science can only prove the fact based on object, but God experiencing and proving through all, which is invisible in human mind, even through the higher, deeper science. So, find your existence through your full of consciousness.

Jessica Gbeholds  

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