Saturday, April 24, 2021


@Freedom of peace comes when you leave from your mind, but stay in your heart. Love all but to yourself, where dissolve everything in love one to another through your higher consciousness.

@People become silent when they know the truth and in one point all is same and doing their work according to their way. 

Only you know that from starting to ending through your transforming. So, don't be upset instead choose from your understanding that will make yourself better to the greater way.

@Dark and Light work together for your blissful time through your struggle. So, accept the opposite and show your courage by your wise action. But also you have choice and power, what you accept or not or you can change the opposite through the word of magic.

@Not only evil work but wrong belief and bad thought, also spread evil all around. So, change your thinking then turn around for world healing. 

Otherwise you may not only harmful for others but yourself to the worst place. So, be the excellence on your thought for the best of greatest that will give your supreme power form within your existence.


Jessica Gbeholds

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