Monday, November 8, 2021

Story of Conscious Soul@_Myth@04

The light and dark both live within us and work in different dimension through our aware and unaware mind. As we know the 3D (Dimension), where is anger, arrogance, fear, shame, race, hate, expectation & dissatisfaction led us to the pain of darkness, through the decades of lifetime

Then to the last stage, pain teaches us for being patience, forgiving, kindness and understanding, that lead us to find the love for light. Finally through the guide they take us to the 5D world (H/I) where is eternity.

Though both are connected one created through another, all over cycle of life. But this is also our choice through the fight or love within us, what we wanted to keep in our heart for knowing truly who we are!

Consciousness rises not only by finding our light, rather than knowing the awareness of the darkness.


Jessica Gbeholds

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