Monday, September 27, 2021


@Life is not only for earning money and maintaining your status, but mostly about joy and peace that touches each of lives with love of heart. Otherwise everything will be meaningless, that may make you feel regret some day. Instead be the love of life with full of bliss to your all loving surrounding.
 @Without your learning, past only can give you the grief for your future. Whereas future can be brighter for your lesson from your past. So stay where you are now, because you will must receive the rewards on your own timing, which is coming.


@Vision sometimes can give you the information with truth and lie. But strong faith and knowing will give you courage and hope to change your life. So turn your vision form lie to the truth for changing your situation through your faith and action.

@In your world, whatever the place is, you can grow the most beautiful garden or waste of burden. What you will cultivate, on time you will have the harvest. So, choose what you love most for growing through your highest desire of thought.

 @You dreamed and people mocked on your feeling. But you are making your reality between the differences for your highest interest. Do not stop to go with your love of light, for your happiest future of life, that is waiting for so long.


jEssica Gbeholds 

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