Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Create Through the High Vibration of Emotion


Emotion of human feeling, works through the energy of electrical vibrational frequency. This emotion comes from the energetic vibration of chemical reaction. In this case you can work on your energy to make balance that can create high vibration on your emotion, so that you can respond through your intelligence. 

In another way, it can also be possible to work on your emotion through wisdom to create high impact on your creation. But at a time, you have to be detached and continue to come up by finishing almost your all low vibrational human feeling and being connected with your powerful loving high vibrational frequency for creating your most higher desire reality.

Note: In world most of time reality created by the lower frequency, but you must be aware within depth and convert your all dark emotion to the light through the spirit world.

Creation of Higher Reality = High Vibration of Energy = Higher Thoughts + Words + Emotion + Understanding that created by Kindness, Love, Wisdom, Bliss and Peace.


Jessica Gbeholds

Monday, August 12, 2024


Energy transfer is magnetic and you will understand this through your relearning process. In this process you will learn and know the importance of frequency level and how it works. So, if you are living in high vibration then you will attract anything faster than others. 

In this case what kind of energy you attract you will do the same, similarly you will give the same, the type of energy you are! So if you are in negative situation then you will attract the same, but you will not feel better if you are high vibrational being in that place. To the opposite, if you are with good vibes or in peaceful place then you will also feel the intense than others.



Though negative situation makes people more excited, even they enjoy sometimes. Because they do not know the impact of unconscious world of dark effect. So if you have got enough lesson and do not want to have miserable life anymore, then be aware and chose your place and circle, where all are living in higher vibration.

Yes it is challenging to maintain your energy in 3rd dimension, because it tries to pull you back, sometimes to the old dimension. But if someone learned their lesson completely by their self mastery, they will never go back. Even if they do unconsciously, they will come back to their place soon. From the another view point it may seems like continuous process, till long you live in old world. Yet, you have to be careful enough what kind of information you are feeding in your mind from the 3D world.

Finally, do not even download or take huge information, either it is good or bad. It can be also another reason to lower your vibration because it hurt's overall and you already done a lot. Instead, mostly focus on your well being and do your work peacefully, then you will be fully aligning what is yours in your perfect timing. But if you want to go through another mystery of adventure after certain time, then you can start again and this time it will make you more ease, calm and stable to bring your most strongest version for your mission with greater vivid vision. 


Jessica Gbeholds

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Twin Flame l Divine Connection


Twin flame is one soul, the yang and yin that incarnated in two different body at the same time or in different times. They are also recognized as the divine feminine and masculine, the air and the fire. Their true purpose to awaken their soul through every shift by removing the toxicity of 3D for raising the vibration of higher consciousness to the planet. This connection is magnetic and after certain time you will notice it mostly works through your energetic level and getting much more authentic.

Your twin flame is your mirror, which is reflecting to your own activities and developing yourself for your self mastery. The truth is your twin flame is you in another body, who is activated within you, the dark and light. It cannot be depart, physically it can be separate sometimes and reunite again, but in soul level you are one and always connected. Though divine feminine holds the key and it is not always divine feminine energy in the female body, it could be also in the male body as well.

You can go through the suffering and struggle for long run before you realizing this connection. But after the realization you may understand that you don't need to chase the connection. It will come to you when you are at peace with yourself, that means you have to work on yourself and keep you almost to the Zen state. After that you will start to work on self, that will ending the suffering and raise the vibration to the higher consciousness, that brings the peace, love and light within both of yourself to the universe. 

Finally, this is the sign of infinity, the rare soul on earth. The unconditional and unbreakable love, the last relationship of lifetime, and you cannot be in another relation after this, even if you go it will not be work. So, this is the connection that made for the story of great ending through the incredible mystical journey of your awakening.


Jessica Gbeholds                                                                                                     

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Vision in 5D and Create in 3D

When I am in silence within my soul, I am completely awake and comfortable. Then we both are doing the most incredible thing in our own world. 

But it is ok and acceptable as well to be in 3D to our physical world for doing another amazing work, that gives life to the substance of our existence.  

So, when you are lost it's much easier to do the best through the 5D in your 3D. 

Again, being in absence is not bad, instead it's the magical sign, that you are connected with your higher intelligence for doing something unbelievable

Therefore, be lost sometimes for your wonderful creation of dreams in both worlds.


Jessica Gbeholds 


Saturday, December 16, 2023

Create the Magic through Spirit world

Be in your natural state before making anything flawless. As a whole being you are both by your perfect and imperfect version. So, first go through your natural state for creating something unique. At a time being perfect as your own term step by step with your new system for doing something highest.

Sometimes be lost and vulnerable and make something with your consciousness in spirit world for creating powerful and magical, because it may not possible to make in physical world. So, imagine and shape your dream with your true essence, then come up with acts from the inner to your outer realms.


Jessica Gbeholds  

Monday, December 4, 2023


The journey of millions mile start with a one little step then to be continue one after another. Where you are going to feel finally you are living the life that you deserve with the joy of your great value.

That comes through your natural ability effortlessly for doing something incredibly to the right time in the right place without even trying which is only for yours.

When something actually comes naturally as per your timing without any force and you set another goal by letting go of the previous one, then it appears just as a wonder.

So, live in your peaceful world with bliss of your life and enjoy each of moment with your all lovable, but mostly with your own. And this is going to be continued till to the greatest ending of our timing.


Jessica Gbeholds 

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Be In Magical World With All The Miracles

Growth is not always trying hard and holding on, but letting go of the things that might not good for you. 

Instead be with the flow freely without doubt and do your best always on what you love with pure heart.

By doing this all the blessing naturally coming to you continuously through the higher dimension in your wondrous magical reality.

You are on the way of your dream place, and there you are going to thrive and bloom through your heart desire. 

So, be ready and pack up your all stuffs, move forward boldly with your higher authentic self. 

It is time to make proud yourself each and every moment with your worth, where you are going to live happily ever after that is showing your real magic of life in your miraculous world.


Jessica Gbeholds